Tag: #IreneKalulu

Drought leaving children vulnerable

Community Voices Zimbabwe (CVZ) a community organisation based in Kwekwe recently held a constitutional sensitisation meeting in Zhombe. The meetings were aimed at educating women on laws that promote the

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Endometriosis or just a “bad period?”

“It hurts. It begins as a tightness, a feeling of pulling in my abdomen, and then rapidly becomes more intense, sharp pulses of painful cramps. I grit my teeth, shift my position and try to breathe deeply. At the moment, there’s nothing else I can do. I’ve already taken my twice-daily dose of anti-inflammatory drugs.”

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Clean energy the future- Zibagwe Rural District Council

ZRDC has its work cut out for it; it caters for a rural populace where women and girls have for generations been subjected to abuse as they look for alternate energy sources. They go for miles looking for water and especially firewood. With the advent of illegal mining in the Midlands province where ZRDC is located, cases of sexual abuse of women as they search for firewood has increased. Biogas’ clean cooking energy will replace the arduous task of gathering firewood and provide a safer and more sustainable alternative.

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Kwekwe city sewer system in shambles

Kwekwe city has four sewer pump stations and none of them are functional. That means all of the raw sewer in Kwekwe is flowing into Sebakwe river where we get our drinking water. It’s a very dire situation.

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