Category: Wellness

Menopause and meno-positivity

When a woman reaches menopause she goes for twelve continuous months without having a menstrual period. This is a result of normal ageing, in which ovaries begin to fail to produce ‘enough’ female sex hormones.

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Patience is a virtue

Patience plus hard work = Success Patience, Consistency with your goals = Success Defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious”.

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Endometriosis or just a “bad period?”

“It hurts. It begins as a tightness, a feeling of pulling in my abdomen, and then rapidly becomes more intense, sharp pulses of painful cramps. I grit my teeth, shift my position and try to breathe deeply. At the moment, there’s nothing else I can do. I’ve already taken my twice-daily dose of anti-inflammatory drugs.”

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Drug abuse cases on the increase

“More young people are resorting to drugs as a coping mechanism to deal with life’s challenges. Youths in high density suburbs are experimenting and making their own concoctions from very harmful substances which no one knows the effects. It’s unfortunate that the country does not have sufficient drug rehabilitation centers for those who would want to turn over a new leaf.”

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