Category: She Leads

Menopause and meno-positivity

When a woman reaches menopause she goes for twelve continuous months without having a menstrual period. This is a result of normal ageing, in which ovaries begin to fail to produce ‘enough’ female sex hormones.

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From being a war collaborator to Councillor

I was a chimbwido and I’m married to a war veteran. My experiences during the war coupled with the encouragement from my husband gave me the courage to take up this position.  I wanted to do my part to develop my ward as well,

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Making okra coffee – 73 year old Norita’s story

Coffee is the go to beverage for many people the world over. It brings warmth and comfort and is one of the highest selling beverage. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO) the world consumption for coffee for 2020/21 is projected at 167.58 million bags.

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Lockdown periods: A blessing or a curse?

“His job was such that he regularly had to be away from home. But because of travel restrictions he spent more time at home, we were able to be together more. For us it was more like the honeymoon phase all over again, getting to know each other again. The time together was good for our marriage.”

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Apostolic women fighting for their rights

We are saying as apostolic women, no to the pledging of children. In order for people to be in relationships they should be more or less the same age groups and there is need for mutual understanding. We don’t understand a situation where a 72 year old marries a 15 year old.

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