Category: Main

Empowering women in waste management through Gender-Responsive Budgeting

It is noted that the primary causes of inadequate waste disposal and management in Africa include weak strategic, institutional, and organisational structures. This is perpetrated by limited skills that are essential to waste material management; inadequate budgets; feeble legislation and lack of enforcement necessary for waste management.

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Clean energy the future- Zibagwe Rural District Council

ZRDC has its work cut out for it; it caters for a rural populace where women and girls have for generations been subjected to abuse as they look for alternate energy sources. They go for miles looking for water and especially firewood. With the advent of illegal mining in the Midlands province where ZRDC is located, cases of sexual abuse of women as they search for firewood has increased. Biogas’ clean cooking energy will replace the arduous task of gathering firewood and provide a safer and more sustainable alternative.

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Making okra coffee – 73 year old Norita’s story

Coffee is the go to beverage for many people the world over. It brings warmth and comfort and is one of the highest selling beverage. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO) the world consumption for coffee for 2020/21 is projected at 167.58 million bags.

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