Intimate partner violence on the increase

Intimate partner violence on the increase

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

by Tatenda Murandu

Domestic violence is a violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm. In most places domestic violence is looked on as one of the higher priorities when trying to stop crime. Domestic Violence cases are thought to be influenced by the use of alcohol, drugs, stress or anger but in reality, they are just learned behaviors by the batterer. These habits can be stopped as long as one seeks help.
Domestic violence in Zimbabwe is mainly a symptom of an unbalanced situation in the homes. The unbalanced situations have been in existence since time immemorial. The major imbalance is that of failure to recognise that both spouses are equal in the house.
On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner , During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men. In Zimbabwe, 40% of women aged 15-49 have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner.

During an online dialogue meeting on domestic violence most people stated that cases of domestic violence are mainly a result of  communication breakdown between spouses. One of the resident Mrs Zikhali said “communication difficulties can increase someone’s vulnerability to exploitation. They may find it difficult to tell others if they feel unsafe or concerned about a person or a situation.”

Silent treatment abuse is a form of emotional abuse in which a person refuses to communicate with you in order to control or influence your behaviors. On the other hand Mrs Kudzai Mateta had the view that the psychological ramifications for children who witness domestic violence in the home can be damaging and lasting. They may experience social or academic problems, anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, Later in life, children who witness abuse may end up as abusers or victims themselves. Some signs include bruising, lacerations, multiple injuries, ruptured eardrums, delay in getting medical attention, and repeated injuries.However in the midst of all this residents had possible solutions to curb this domestic menace, domestic violence can happen to anyone and can result in injury and death. There are many risk factors that involve violence and recognizing the signs is the first step in preventing abuse.Taking a step such as reporting violence to the police at an early stage to avoid further harm in the future. Many victims of domestic violence tend to report abuse after having suffered abuse for a long time hence resulting physical and psychological damage to the victim. An elderly woman Mrs Tamirepi suggested a return to the tradition where such issues of violence could be handled by aunts and uncles reuniting the couple in a peaceful way.

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

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