Social media and mental health

Social media and mental health

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

By Zambu Sakala


Have you ever wondered how social media can affect your mental Health, how apps like Facebook, twitter and even Instagram can negatively affect your mental health?  But before we get to that, have you ever posted something on social media and did not get a comment or a “like” and how did that make you feel?

Social media was initially created for us to get closer to our friends and family. But what happens when you are constantly on these platforms and all you see are people doing better than you, people leaving the country, people getting their dream jobs and getting into their dream universities and you are there, still at home, you are there starring at someone’s social media account and you think your life isn’t as good as someone else’s life. Because we’re all human feeling like that is inevitable but is made worse on these platforms.

Studies have shown that high use of social media can lead to depression. The idea that Internet use may have a negative effect on one’s wellbeing is not new. In 1995, The HomeNet Project provided Internet access and a computer to 93 households that had no previous Internet experience and tracked their psychological health over several years. After the initial year of Internet use the researchers concluded that greater use of the Internet was associated with more signs of loneliness and depression. (Social media and mental Health Dr. Precious Makiyi MBBS (Mw), MSc.)

You can live without social media, you can take a break for a week, for a month or even for a year if need be. If you’re not happy were you are socially, it is okay to take a break and leave. I know of a friend of mine who takes social media breaks for his mental well-being, personally I decided to leave Facebook early 2018 and I think it was one of my best decision in terms of my mental Health.

What you need to understand is that what people put on their social media might not be what is actually going on in their lives, people are struggling, people are experiencing pain but it is up to you to see past posts and pictures and work on yourself in real life.

Social media platforms have great benefits but if not properly used can contribute to the decline of your mental health. Don’t let screens define how happy you are in real life. You deserve happiness, choose to reduce on your screen time, you can live without social media, choose happiness beyond Facebook memes, Instagram posts and snap chat filters.

Your mental Health should come first.


Staff Writer

Staff Writer

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